14 responses to “Love Quote Of The Day

    • Off course, I’m 100% sure, Ebele. You just have to go out there and find the person. There’s someone for everyone. It’s not the end of love for us when we lose someone we love. You may love someone, and he or she does not love you. So go out there and find the one that loves you, don’t feel you have come to the end of the world because the person you loved didn’t love you back.

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      • No, not the love me back thing. The issue is more of me not loving them back though I have… a couple of times.
        Sometimes though, you are out there, you may meet the ones that love you but you don’t love them back, or you don’t even meet love on either side. Dunno if I made any sense there

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      • Yes, you are correct. Relationship involves two people, and when one is in love it doesn’t mean the other is. In that case, one needs to pay attention to the 10-point check which I wrote about in one of my earlier posts to be able to know how to get that right person. It’s not easy, but with the knowledge of what to do one can find the right person. And going out there to find the right person is better than someone who cries everyday thinking that the world had ended because he or she had no true love.

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    • The person is out there. Find him or her. Don’t miss the signs that can lead you to them. You have to make use of the 10-point-check which I wrote about in 9 different posts in my November archive. Thanks Sabiscuit for reading and commenting.

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